Tuition is provided on an ongoing, rolling contract and pupils may only withdraw from activities at the end of a term following receipt of written notice to the Administrator at least one half-term in advance to avoid fees being charged in lieu of notice. If late notice is received, parents will be invoiced for the following half-term.
Parents and tutor will be committed and enthusiastic about their child's learning and development.
Parents and tutor will work together to develop their child's learning in matters of homework, attendance, punctuality, behaviour and the like. Parents will be responsible for ensuring their child's homework is completed before the commencement of the next lesson.
Parents will recognise the importance of their child's attendance to class in order to progress. To this end they will ensure their child's attendance is regular and punctual.
To cover a missed lesson parents will complete and submit an absence form before either authorising their child to receive extra support during their normal lesson time and be given additional homework.
Each lesson runs for 2 consecutive hours.
Tuition fees must be settled monthly.
In the case of continual absence, parents will be notified, and the place will be offered to another child.
30 days' notice is required when you intend to withdraw your child from the centre. Written or verbal notification needs to be given to the Administrator.
These terms and conditions are subject to change from time to time without prior notice.